Announcing a New In-Depth Article – Fixing a Broken Corporate Hiring and Search Process

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Here is the summary of the series I wrote about how to improve the hiring process. Hiring outstanding direct reports more efficiently can have an immediate, positive impact on the CCO’s performance. So why is something so important not happening more effectively? Why should it take 6 months or longer to fill a critical job reporting to the CCO or CMO? This issue is never discussed, except off the record.

You can read article after article advising senior-level comms executives about how to navigate the perils of executive level hiring practices. But, to suggest the actual hiring process and behavior of the hiring executive can be improved, seem to be taboo.

There are reasons why searches can be frustrating and unsuccessful. The primary one is that the effort is flawed from the start. That’s why I’m tackling this sensitive subject and suggesting that CCOs are missing an opportunity to improve the productivity of the entire team. This new series of posts is an in-depth description of the current recruitment process along with an analysis and recommendations to fix the problem.

If a CCO wishes to tackle this problem, I would welcome the opportunity to consult with the organization to assist with implementing the changes that will become a blueprint for future efficiencies. The consulting assignment is separate from a retained search and can be combined with a search, if appropriate.

Here are the topics I cover:

Here is the link to the complete article – Fixing a Broken Corporate Hiring and Search Process

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Judy Cushman, Consulting and Retained Search,

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